Weekly Opportunities

*Watch Calvary’s worship service weekly on Time Warner Cable Channel 13. Tuesday at 6 p.m., Saturday at 10 a.m. 

Sunday's Opportunities

8:00 am Worship

9:30 am Advent Education Hour (All Ages) - F

10:30 am Worship

5:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous - G

F=Fellowship Hall, lower level, northeast

G=Gathering Place, upper level, west

S=Sunday School Area, lower level, west

Y=Youth Room, lower level, east

B=Sanctuary Balcony

Christmas Eve Worship

6:00 and 11:00 pm


Christmas Day Worship

10:00 am



New Member Class Begins January 5

All interested in joining Calvary are welcome to a class/conversation on the Sundays through January (the Epiphany season). Our conversations start at 9:30am. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall (note the new location) to explore what life within Calvary looks like and why we do the things we do. We’ll be with people of the typical Adult Bible Study, so this is a small way to gently spend time with some neat people.

— Pastor Ben

If you have questions, please email Pastor Ben at benjamin@calvarylincoln.org or call the Church Office at 402-476-1567.




Advent Education Hour: Preparing All Together

Begins Sunday, December 1, 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall
Our kids, youth, and adults will all come together for the 4 weeks of Advent. Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Longing, Remembering, Games, and Gifts. Each week will look a little different based on the theme, but we hope it will be a time of preparation and celebration all together for the coming of Jesus. Telling old stories. Learning new practices. Hearing something new. And the opportunity to continue getting to know one another.

Our littlest Sunday School kids (2-6 y/o) will still be dismissed for their own time together after our opening each week. 



Calendar note: there will be no Sunday School or Bible Study on December 29.

Classes will resume on January 5.



2025 Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes for 2025 are now available in The Gathering Place.



Kingdom Campaign Ends December 31, 2024

As we conclude the Kingdom Campaign, I want to thank you for your prayers, generosity, and faithful participation. Through your involvement, God has worked in incredible ways, blessing people both within and beyond our Calvary community. Your gifts supported mission leaders, provided care for our neighbors in need, and advanced our shared calling as the people of Christ for the life of the world. 


As we prepare for 2025, please note that Kingdom Campaign envelopes included in the offering boxes can be recycled, as only regular giving envelopes will be needed. Thank you again for your generosity and faithfulness. Together, we look forward to the ways God will lead Calvary into the new year!


— Pastor Benjamin Vineyard

Church Calendar
Take a look at what is happening at Calvary this month.

Calvary's Church Calendar


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