*Watch Calvary’s worship service weekly on Time Warner Cable Channel 13. Tuesday at 6 p.m., Saturday at 10 a.m.
Sunday's Opportunities
8:00 am Worship
9:30 am Summer Connect (all ages) - G
10:30 am Worship
5:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous - G
F=Fellowship Hall, lower level, northeast
G=Gathering Place, upper level, west
S=Sunday School Area, lower level, west
Y=Youth Room, lower level, east
September Potluck
Our next potluck is coming up on Sunday, September 8, after 10:30 worship. Bring a dish to share and come down to the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a meal. We look forward to the time together! And just for fun, looking for a new recipe to share? Follow this link for a few ideas.
Tuesday Bible Study
A new study began August 27. The topic is prayer and will be based on the Lord’s Prayer as presented in Luther’s Small Catechism. So, dig out your catechism and join us in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays at 10:00 am. Don’t have a catechism? Don’t let that stop you, we can provide.
Save The Date!
Trunk or Treat will be October 27, 2024 from 5
to 7 pm. Please plan to join in the fun as we reach out to our neighbors. More
details to come!
If you have questions, ask Kathy Comstock, Jane
McGachey, or Nathan Toenjes.
Commissioning of Mark Meyer
Next Sunday, September 8 at 10:30 worship, we will celebrate with Calvary member Mark Meyer as he is commissioned as a lay minister of the Gospel of Jesus through his work with International Student Fellowship at the University of Nebraska.
Fall Youth Calendar
Upcoming gatherings for our youth, 6th-12th grade, including new "1st Wednesdays" each month. Check it out here: bit.ly/Fall2024Youth
Calvary Connection Form
In the spirit of being community together, we’re curious about the things you feel you’re good at or the things you are interested in being a part of in the future. This inventory will help us learn that if you feel like sharing. This isn’t a sign-up process or a commitment of any kind. It’s the sort of thing that when ideas or care opportunities come up, if we need somebody with plumbing abilities (or whatever), we’ll have a list of people in the community to connect others to. It will also help us see where people might be interested in the same kind of things and maybe help people make a next step in connecting with others in our life together. Follow this link to fill out the inventory.
A Deeper Look at “Be the People of Christ for the Life of the World”
9:30am, Fellowship Hall, for Adults — join Pastor Ben as we explore the new Calvary Mission Statement, applying the pieces to our walk of life together. This theme relates to the sermon series and allows us to be in conversation and application. (August 18 - September 22).
Meal Trains for Families
Several families have very recently opened their homes to nine kids who were going through a rough time. We'd like to help with groceries and snacks in two of the homes, as they took in three or four children each. Whether you'd like to prepare a meal, buy boxes of Uncrustables or breakfast sandwiches, drop off muffins, or give a restaurant or grocery store gift card, any little bit can help. Thank you for your generosity! Sign up with the Meal Train links below or contact Michaela Akridge at (402) 540-4445.
Meal Train link for the Rosseau Family: https://mealtrain.com/gmg17e
Meal Train link for the Willesden Family: https://mealtrain.com/oo576d
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