Weekly Opportunities

*Watch Calvary’s worship service weekly on Time Warner Cable Channel 13. Tuesday at 6 p.m., Saturday at 10 a.m. 

Sunday's Opportunities

8:30 am       Worship

9:30 am       Summer Connect (all ages) - G

10:00 am     Worship

5:00 pm       Alcoholics Anonymous - G

F=Fellowship Hall, lower level, northeast

G=Gathering Place, upper level, west

S=Sunday School Area, lower level, west

Y=Youth Room, lower level, east

Mark Your Calendars - Regular Worship Times Beginning August 11

We have sure been enjoying the energy and connecting conversations in The Gathering Place during Summer Connect! But, on August 11, it will be time to shift back to our normal worship schedule. So, make note – worship service times will be 8:00 am and 10:30 am on August 11.

Bible Trivia for All Ages – August 11
Everyone is invited down to the Fellowship Hall during the Sunday School hour on August 11 (9:30am). It’s becoming a new tradition to kick off our Fall Sunday School with a time of Bible Trivia. Can you name the place where Jesus walked on water? How many books are in the Bible? Come enjoy a fun morning together as we give Bible Trivia a try.


Classes Begin August 18 at 9:30 am

  •       Sunday School (preschool – grade 5) – Sunday School Room
  •       Confirmation (grades 6 & 7) – Youth Room
  •       Youth Bible Study (grades 8-12) – Balcony
  •       Adult Bible Study – Fellowship Hall


Meal Trains for Families

Several families have very recently opened their homes to nine kids who were going through a rough time. We'd like to help with groceries and snacks in two of the homes, as they took in three or four children each. Whether you'd like to prepare a meal, buy boxes of Uncrustables or breakfast sandwiches, drop off muffins, or give a restaurant or grocery store gift card, any little bit can help. Thank you for your generosity! Sign up with the Meal Train links below or contact Michaela Akridge at (402) 540-4445.


Meal Train link for the Rosseau Family: https://mealtrain.com/gmg17e


Meal Train link for the Willesden Family: https://mealtrain.com/oo576d


Time to Fill the Food Pantry

Did you know Calvary has a small food pantry located in the church office? Your donations are greatly appreciated as they are shared with members from the community in need of assistance. Please consider picking up a few extra shelf stable items the next time you are grocery shopping and place them in the bin located in the stairwell just outside of the fellowship hall. Ideas include cereal, canned meats and vegetables, soups, pastas, pasta sauce, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. Grocery store gift cards are also a great way to share with those in need. They are kept in a secure location in the office and given out when perishable items like milk and eggs are needed. If you would like to donate a gift card, simply place it in the offering plate on Sunday or drop it by the office. Thank you so much for your continued generosity.



Calvary Member Directory Update

Our online member directory will roll out in August. Many of you have filled out the consent form to be included in the directory. If you still need to fill out the consent form, you can do so at this link. In August, Calvary members with an email address in our database will receive an invitation to create a log in to access our online directory. Thank you for your help in pulling this project together!



Summer Connect

Summer Worship Times have shifted (Sundays, May 26 – August 4) to 8:30 and 10:00 am. Come together in The Gathering Place between worship services at 9:30 am with the opportunity to deepen relationships between folks from both worship services over some brunchy munchies and a coffee/tea bar. Looking forward to this time of connection!


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