When a mom in the church needed to take the time to pursue treatment through rehab, her kids needed a place to go.

As opposed to wishing her well, allowing the situation to deteriorate, and kids needing to go away into the care of the state, God’s people showed up.

Families who have been pursuing and learning and being changed by this Jesus were willing to open up their own families and their own homes to provide care for her children for a season. 

Not in a “we have this figured out” type of way.

But in a humble and learning response to the work of God in their lives, they tried to share His love and model His servant-nature, with those who seemed to need it at that time.

When there was the desire to connect with the surrounding neighborhood, but a question of the best way to do it..

When the ways of recent memory were still held fondly, but the relationships were not materializing as they used to..

When priority was trying to be given to simple, replicable means of celebrating and joining in relationship with those in everyday life..

Summer Wednesdays in the Park came alive

Nothing too convoluted. Nothing too involved.

Just simple, good food. In the park. Together. Over time. 

With a specific and open invitation to all in the neighborhood to join in the food, fun, and connection together.

Conversations happened. The seeds of relationship were planted. 

The concept of what a simple, replicable, good time together with others could look like was realized.

A woman finding her way to a Food Net distribution time one Monday morning.

Hosts and volunteers welcoming her, talking together, and listening to her story.

The hand of God guiding her, though she would later say she didn’t necessarily know it yet.

Continued relationship and conversation over time, with these now trusted women.

An ongoing journey with homelessness, unemployment, and rehab – but now not going through it alone.

Speaking with God again, for the first time in a long time.

Pieces coming together, then unraveling, coming together, then unraveling – but now with the seed of hope.

Telling friends and family about this change, about this Jesus, about these people who aim to follow Him and love like Him.

Her friends now meeting Jesus.

And being baptized. 

Along with their children. 

Through the witness of a woman. 

Who found a community. 

That stuck by her. 

And loved her. 

And never gave up. 

And will never give up. 

Just like Jesus.

What else does this look like?

– Couples deciding to meet together and encourage each other in their marriages, realizing that they are pictures of the relationship Jesus has with the church.

– Retirees setting time aside each week to meet together for time in conversations over cards and dominoes.

– Food and relationships are shared through “more than just a meal” in under-resourced neighborhood in the city through our dear partners at Food Fort.

– Questions about prayer, community, and the work of Jesus are raised in small groups of friends, and pursued without fear.

– Sharing love with your family, even your extended family, by prioritizing time in fun and conversation with them over work, self, etc.

– Celebrating together as a church over potluck meals.

– Youth meeting together to talk about how faith and their lives intersect, while having fun and growing in relationship with each other, with older adults at the church, and with God.

– Food is shared in dignity and relationship and ongoing care on Monday mornings and through our friends and companions at Food Net.

– Intentionally leaving the space and time in your life to be available for the conversation with a neighbor, a coworker, a friend, when they really need it.