God continually places the mission of, “Be the people of Christ for the life of the world,” on our hearts. It’s something we continually pursue, but never master. In all of it, we sense the Spirit of God leading us further along. Every step, we see life and find ourselves seeing God and others in more living ways.
We pursue this, though certainly not fully achieved, this is what we see as the mission that God has laid before the church. Never fully achieved until Jesus returns, we trust His Spirit to accomplish His purposes through us as we strive to put these markers at the forefront of all we do:
Be the People
We are designed as relational beings, to live in community, not alone – it’s in our DNA.
We gather and spend time together, often in simplicity,having fun,celebrating.
In the highs and lows of life, we would be seen and known and loved by others. We seek to create space and capacity for one another.
The grace and love of God renews us and weaves us together, even through difficulty, where we practice confessing and forgiving and reconciling love.
Of Christ
Christ is the middle, the heart of everything we are and do.
Christ is in the middle of all things, here among us (John 1:14).
Christ is our source of life, our guide for life, our sense of knowing what love, truth, and peace look like (Romans 8:29.)
Christ’s life, death and resurrection work redeems the world back to Himself (Ephesians 1:9-10). Jesus invites us into the same process, first to receive it as a gift, and to invite others into it.
For the Life of the World
Jesus gives his life so that the world may be filled with life. (John 6:51)
The gift we receive becomes the gift we share: life, meaning, purpose, wise-direction, deep abiding peace, connection with God and one another, all of it through and because of Jesus.
The Kingdom of God unfolds on earth as in heaven even now, and our lives are becoming signposts of this (Mark 1:14-15; Ephesians 2:8-10). This gift is for us and for the world around us.
All things are being made new through Jesus, and we will see a new Heavens and a New Earth at His return. (Acts 3:21; Revelation 21:5)